Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Working from home: whoopie pies (in the bakery this week only).

Fajitas and sunshine.

Spotted dick for St Paddy’s day.

“Pineapples are useful,” he said.

It’d been awhile since we’d gone to Costco.

His legs keep getting longer.

Virtual crash course in auto mechanics.

Yard working.

Sisters, vaccinated: the first visit in more than a year.

Stopping by his house to drop something off, and then he pulled up, too.

After months of delay thanks to Covid, she finally has her license.

This same time, years previous: milk bread, now that she’s back, teff pancakes with blueberries, absorbing the words, seven-minute egg, wuv, tru wuv…, on being together: it’s different here somehow, the boy and the dishes, cream puffs.
Thrift at Home
I feel like there are several stories going on with the sisters there – like, it is not a stereotypical chat over coffee at a table with warm smiles gazing into each others’ eyes. I love your photo and I want to know what is going on!
Jennifer Jo
What you don’t see: a couple kids on the porch (and me), and my brother’s family out in the yard, sitting in a row like they’re in the audience. My aunt is photographing them, I think.
The sisters picture almost made me cry! So glad they both got their vax!