Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Filet mignon: raising our own grass-fed beef tastes AWESOME.


Lunchy leftovers: Half a bacon cheeseburger on toasted sourdough.

Free spinach + free sausage + free lettuce = this supper.

The pantry hang.

Hello, Saturday. Meet my husband.

Twice vaccinated!

Yet another bedroom shuffle.

Pretty pecker.
photo credit: my younger son

What working all day in the bitter cold looks like.

Pro-tip: if you lay too long in front of the fire, nausea may occurr.


Faces of winter.
This same time, years previous: all things Thursday, chicken and sausage gumbo, ROAR, the quotidian (2.1.16), stuck buttons and frozen pipes, and just when you thought my life was all peaches, peanut butter and honey granola, rock-my-world cocoa brownies.
Loved the faces of winter :). I read Fish in a Tree and loved it. Shouting in the Rain was outstanding! The 3rd one about foster care was a bit eh for me. The Miscalculations of Lightening Girl might be a book you all would enjoy.
Hi Jennifer! I have a question re your Launching post and today’s bedroom shift. My impression is that the job your daughter has taken at the horse farm is a semester long study/work opportunity…..not a permanent one. And yet it sounds like she has definitely moved out with the sale of her animals to her brother and the bedroom shift. Which is it? Just curious. ~Sherry
Jennifer Jo
I’m impressed — you’re observant! Yes, my daughter’s supposed to be a student worker for a few months, but there’s a chance the job might extend, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up staying longer. Her goal is to train and work with horses, and since that’s not going to happen at our house, I doubt she’ll be hanging around home much anymore. But who knows…! If she shows up again, there’s always the guestroom (or the clubhouse, ha!).
Oh, you got so much snow! And can you BELIEVE what a mess just shifting bedrooms makes? All this stuff appears out of seemingly nowhere.
Thrift at Home
My husband does the same kind of catastrophic cleaning when he cleans. Makes me crazy!