Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Homegrown, from my parents’ place: to go with my pasta.

We didn’t miss peach season!

My father planted a fall garden for us.

Thanks, Dad!

He even prettied it up with tiny orange pumpkins and flowers.

He got cookies out of the freezer to thaw and then taped them closed so he wouldn’t eat any.

Back to creating: attempting a homemade battery.

SCORE: a craigslist find.

The dump that is my porch (their “bedroom”): cots, old sofa, soggy blankets, ugh.

Yes we did!!!

Ahhhh, now this was what I’ve been dreaming about.
This same time, years previous: proper procedure for toweling off after a shower, outside eating, what writing a book is like, playing catch-up, the good things that happen, 2012 garden stats and notes, how to clean a room, fruit-on-the-bottom baked oatmeal.
That's a really good Dad you have there!
Way to go, Dad of yours!
Are you preparing for Florence? It's not going to be as bad up here as it will be for you, but we still picked up sandbags the city was giving out, and I'm going to see what we have on hand before making a French Toast grocery run in a day or two. 🙂