Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Almond crescents.

Pounding for chai.

For curry.

Pudding cooling.

My latest breakfast crush: sourdough toast with butter, cream cheese, and bacon.

Thanksgiving remix: this time with turkey gravy, stuffing balls, and over-the-top mashed potatoes.

I bake; he sings.

And…Velvet’s down: a severe case of laminitis.

Kitchen apothocary.
“I feel like I have a baby. She gets sick, I call the doctor, I pay for the meds,
and then I have to take care of her.”
“I feel like I have a baby. She gets sick, I call the doctor, I pay for the meds,
and then I have to take care of her.”

Attempted selfie.


His final paper of the semester and the edits to go with.
This same time, years previous: yeasted streusel cake with lemon glaze, managing my list habit, okonomiyaki!, in my kitchen (sort of): 4:15 p.m., iced, pimento cheese spread, a family outing, peanut butter cookies, cashew brittle.
I love almond crescents, but I always break them. Perhaps I need to make them thicker.
farm buddy
I am always telling my friend how I like your blog, and when I was telling her about your dog sitting on the horse, I mentioned that your horse was sick with laminitis. My friend is really, really knowledgeable about horses, and she suggested that you might test your horse for Cushings, which a vet does with a blood test for ACTH. She said that often the vets will do this blood test for free and also provide some treatment drugs for free. Just thought I would pass this info on. Good luck!!
Jennifer Jo
I conveyed your message to my daughter. She knew about Cushings and said this is quite different, but still, she's going to look into it. Thanks!
amy in Oregon
what are those tasty looking little cookies you are baking?? and is the recipe on ye olde blog??
Jennifer Jo
Peppernuts! I'll add the link to the post….
St Martin de Porres is my go-to saint when any of my animals are in trouble. He never lets me down. I'll say a prayer…
Jennifer J
Stuffing balls… my granny used to make these and she has since passed and the recipe with her. Never been able to figure out exacthow she made them and I rarely see anyone else make the stuffing into balls like she did. Thanks for the memory and the smile today. Love reading your blog over here in central VA.