Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The pancakes on the right are missing a crucial ingredient. Can you guess?

Got milk?

Moving on from lettuce and spinach: beet greens.


The baker’s table (and toes).

Pro tip: donuts soften the blow of a heavy to-do list.

A tack(y) cleaning party.

Single-handedly putting it up.

In knots.

Running the numbers.

Summer feet.

That cast stinks to high heaven: one of the many reasons why, probably.
This same time, years previous: fruit-filled coffee cake, seven nothings, better iced coffee, my ethical scapegoat, on slaying boredom, the quotidian (6.25.12), chocolate peanut butter cake, lemon ice cream with red raspberries, slushy mojitos, the chicken that’s been missing from your life.
What is your husband designing? An addition to your house? Does he often do his work at your kitchen table?
Jennifer Jo
He's building (not designing—someone else did that) an addition for a friend. And yes, with big pages like those, he works at the table.
They looked the same to me except for the color. I asked my husband, who is our pancake maker, just how much sugar he puts in and he said 1 tblsp for a single batch which is about 10 5" pancakes. He says they don't have to be sweet because we put sweet stuff like maple syrup or blueberry syrup on them.
Jennifer Jo
I know—it's hardly any and yet it makes such a difference!
I want to hear about the boy…. and his travels.
Jennifer Jo
You and me both! (He's heading to the Amazon tomorrow.)
Melodie Davis
Don't leave us hanging.
Jennifer Jo
dr perfection
what's left–baking soda? Except they don't really look flat.
Sugar, maybe ?
Jennifer Jo
Yep, sugar! My daughter fried them up while I was getting a shower and when I came down, she was like, These aren't right, Mama. And I thought it was because she was doing it wrong, but then my pancakes turned out just as anemic and THEN I realized I had left out the sugar. I made a big deal out of it, lecturing the kids about the importance of sugar for color (and flavor).
No egg in the ones on the right?
pancakes minus sugar?
I give up, they look almost identical to me. (I need to make some!)