Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

This time, not overfilled.

Fig-walnut: utterly delicious.

The kid, it turns out, makes killer tortillas.

Spigot sparkle.

Such softness.

Dragon breath.

Apparently, one of my kids pulled a “Tom Sawyer” on the baby we were sitting.

For his back: a brand new physical therapy ball.

Farm dogs: air, for treats.
This same time, years previous: the Tuesday boost, maple pecan scones, a list, the quotidian (3.26.12), a spat, fatira, brandied-bacony roast chicken.
Oh please share the recipe for the Fig-Walnut Filling.
Jennifer Jo
I just subbed figs for the apricots in the apricot couronne. I also added a little orange zest to the dough. I think the fig version might be lovely with the addition of anise or cardamom, or maybe both.
Jennifer, your gorgeous pies look like a mixed berry, blueberry, raspberry and strawberry. Is that correct? Which crumb topping recipe did you use? You have lots of pie recipes. I need to use up frozen berries.
Janet- Woodway,WA
Jennifer Jo
They are sour cherry pies to which, when I noticed that I didn't have quite enough filling, I added several cups of wineberries and a handful of blueberries.
The crumb topping is one I made up: for two pies, 1/2 cup each of brown sugar and flour, 1 cup quick/rolled oats, a pinch of salt, and 1 stick butter. Blend it up with your fingers and sprinkle atop the pies.