Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A rare occurrence: I said yes to her request to make a kitchen mess.

I’m on a quest for the perfect sour cream cake donut. Things could get dangerous.

A delicious solution to the ongoing “problem” of too much cream.

For five girls: an indoor broccoli soup picnic.

Reading him to sleep.

For many months he begged for lessons. He finally got them.

And for this boy, a birthday guitar and some lessons to go with.

Staying warm.

Harder than it looks: measuring pigs.
(They’re ready to butcher!)

How many tosses does it take to get a Yahtzee?: show Numberphile videos to your children
and they will spend hours tossing dice.
and they will spend hours tossing dice.
(Also recommended: a mile of pi.)

Parallel art.

Friday night’s full table.

Family game time: round one did not end well, so a little later they (successfully) had a redo.
This same time, years previous: I will never be good at sales, gravity, refrigerator bran muffins, sparkle blondies, the wiggles, official, why I’m glad we don’t have guns in our house, the quotidian (11.16.11), my apple line-up, chicken salad, so far so good, Chinese cabbage and apple salad, and SSR.
Mama Pea
Love these "quotidian" posts.
Hi Jennifer, made your chicken pot pie with sweet potatoes. My husband is still raving three days later. It's definitely going into the keep file. Thanks!