Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

I ate it like there was no tomorrow: winter salad mix.

If cooking broccoli, make extra. It always gets eaten.

Deb’s pi day pie was an abject failure: the oatmeal tasted like stale play dough.
(The black bottom part, however, was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.)

One week ago.
Today it’s over 70 degrees and the kids are begging to go swimming.

Look at all those bare feet!

A sure sign winter is fading: washing supper dishes in the blinding sunshine.

Pre-show entertainment: putting on the stage make-up.
This same time, years previous: smiling for dimples, bolt popcorn, warmth, from my diary, cornmeal blueberry scones, my reality, enhanced, cherry pie. bedtime ghost stories, a religious education, and butterscotch pudding.
I don't understand. I looked at the recipe and I want to know how a super-sweet oatmeal mixture can taste like super-salty stale play dough? Were your oats old and rancid?
– Kris
Jennifer Jo
My oats were fine. And the pie didn't taste salty like play dough, but like an unsalty version of play dough. I toasted the oats and everything! Maybe if I used a cup and a half of granola instead of the raw oats? Or just scrapped the oats altogether and use nuts…?