The day before Thanksgiving and there’s snow. Not just a little dusting, but great fluffy mounds of the stuff. My husband and I lay in bed this morning, listening to the kids thud-running through the downstairs in search of snow clothes. They played outside for a couple hours before coming in for hot chocolate and bagels.

There’s a cheesecake in the oven and cranberry sauce is simmering on the stove. Pastry is chilling in the fridge, and, once the food processor is washed, I’ll make another batch. Tomorrow is all about the pies, and I’ve got time to play.
I’m starting to think of Christmas cookies—what kinds will it be this year?—and am laying the ground work for my first fruitcake ever, making the grocery list and calling the wine shops in search of a Concord grape wine.
It’s not even lunch time yet and the kids are already outside for the second time today. It’s a sweet gift, this quiet house and extra time to write.
But the lights keeps flickering. I’m trying not to panic. A half-baked cheesecake might put a dent in my mood.
I just checked the cranberry sauce. It’s done.

And now I hear the kids’ voices. They’re on the porch, kicking the snow off their boots. I should probably turn my attention to rustling up a lunch. Sandwiches with leftover meatloaf and sweet pickles, I think.
This same time, years previous: a treat, Thanksgiving of 2012, Thanksgiving of 2011, Thanksgiving of 2010, and pumpkin pie.
Melodie Davis
We lost our electricity Wed. Lucky you. 🙂 I thought of you as we baked a cake in the woodstove. Kind of.
Well, now, darn. My brother made Concord wine with our last-year's grape juice. I'd hand you a bottle right now if I could. I must say, that sour cherry wine sounds pretty good. What fruit cake recipe are you using? I've been thinking about cookies, too. Moravian ginger cookies, my great-grandmother's lemon crackers (I think they're a VA thing), date nut pinwheels and then we'll just have to see.
Jennifer Jo
I'm feeling so much more festive and bakery than I normally do. Perhaps it's because I don't have to travel anywhere and can relax into the season.
Thanks for the virtual offer on the wine. I virtually accept!
The fruit cake recipe comes from a friend. It sounds SMASHING. I have high hopes.
If you are feeling adventuresome with that fruit cake, try using Nissley Vineyards' Sour Cherry wine instead. You would probably need to get one of your relatives in Bainbridge to send you a bottle as I would be shocked if you can find that one in WV.
Jennifer Jo
I would LOVE to try that wine, but I'm afraid there's no time—I need to get a move on this cake if I want to have it in time for Christmas/the New Year. Maybe next year…
Suburban Correspondent
A perfect day, isn't it? Snow and lots of cooking to do…
Jennifer Jo
Yeah, but then npr got knocked off the air and the internet went out. But at least the power stayed on!