Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Breakfast? Breakfast? Is it time for breakfast?


Fresh cider by the bucketful.

Generous neighbors!
(And a photobombing cat.)

This photo from the recent Bon Appetit was in stark contrast to
the typical sleek, pristine kitchens flaunted in foodie mags.
I could stare at it for hours.

The perks of having grandparents only three miles away.

Birthday chocolates: MINE.

Puttzing along.

The week of rain got to all of us.

But we made it through.
This same time, years previous: the adjustment, grab and go: help wanted, the quotidian (10.15.12), rich, autumn walk, that thing we do, no special skills, would you come?, how to have a donut party, part III, sweet onion corn bake, apple cake, Italian cream cake, the stash, deprivation, and keeping my hands in the toilet.
I LOVE that kitchen!
dr perfection
The dogs at the door is my favorite. Waiting so patiently and respectfully.
That week of rain really was just asking too much. Thank goodness it's over.
Melodie Davis
The cider dip is my favorite. Gotta go get some!
Love. It. All. XO