Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A strategic hint from my children.

(The title of the magazine is Faces.)

Morning chores under cover of Mother Nature’s invisibility cloak.

The beautiful ordinary.

Rain watching.

Leaf armor.

Rellenitos: better than I remembered.

Fat and fatigued: three weeks to go.

Saturday supper.

He loved this book to the point of actually memorizing parts of it.

Bare feet, sunshine, and green, ahhhh.
This same time, years previous: help, a burger, a play, and some bagels, ’twas an honor, baked brown rice, my favorite things, rhubarb streusel muffins, strawberry spinach salad, caramel cake, cinnamon tea biscuits, and talking points, rained out.
The hint your kids left made me smile. What type did you make? And…that dog's eyes…she looks a little pathetic. Your daughter's armour is very creative…still inspired by *Hook*? Your quotidian posts are some of my favourites. Did you get the title name from somewhere or is it yours?? (I've always wondered.) Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Camille
The beautiful ordinary – that's a lovely phrase. Almost as good as The Magic of Ordinary Days which is a book/movie. It's a grace to be able to wallow in and appreciate the pleasures that are available to us every day. Thanks for reminding me so often!
I LOVE the baby studying up on how to be an effective teen. I approve of working ahead. And do you like your ice cream maker? I'm thinking this might be the year I get one.
Jennifer Jo
I LOVE my ice cream maker. Eating homemade ice cream has become ridiculously (and dangerously) easy.
So, where are you getting your milk from these days?
Jennifer Jo
A gift from a neighbor—aren't we lucky?
Suburban Correspondent
Wait – where did that baby come from?
Jennifer Jo
He's a little secret I've been working on…
(Kidding—he's my nephew.)