Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Under construction: a house of his very own.
(Don’t hold your breath.)

The very first Farmers Market purchase.

I finally—FINALLY—got my hands on some farro.

It used to be that Legos were restricted to the upstairs and only on a blanket…

4:00 p.m.

Swoony toesies.

My mother made my father a birthday cake and I got to help eat it.
(Note the burned-down-to-the-nub birthday candles: letting the moment linger
is one of my mom’s many talents.)

No, Jennifer. Just because I’m holding a baby and smiling doesn’t mean I want another child.

Spring skies.
This same time, years previous: fun and fiasco, chapter one, financial peace university, flour tortillas, the value (or not) of the workbook, and chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs.
Your "common" area just looks perfect, Jennifer. So welcoming, so nice to work in! There isn't anything sexier than a man holding a baby and looking like he is enjoying it, and your handsome man doesn't have to do much to look good. That cake looks divine, wish I had a big piece to go with my coffee this morning. A lovely post.
what kind of cake is that? it looks great!
Thank you, Margo. I can't exactly explain the topping–lots of chopped-up candied orange rind in a mixture of orange juice and sugar and orange extract and the pulpy syrup from cooking a whole orange with sugar, all boiled together. Something like that? Butter icing between the halved layers of a whitish cake. I used the buttercup cake recipe on p. 205 in Mennonite Community Cookbook–made a 1 1/2 x batch, with the milk heavily curdled with lemon juice, and 1 whole egg plus 3 whites, 2 t. baking powder and 1 t. soda, and vanilla extract only.
Suburban Correspondent
Nothing sexier than a man holding a baby, right? And now I have to come visit, if only to sit in that sunny kitchen.
Jennifer Jo
Please do!
Mama Pea
Oh, I don't know! I think your husband's look says, "Aw, come on, hon. Can we have another one? Huh? Huh? Pretty please?" (Just kidding!)
I love your kitchen! All the natural light from the big windows makes me swoon. I see what looks like a big pantry behind the range area. I love that too! ~ Sherry
Jennifer Jo
Thank you! That little room (we call it "the back hall" – not sure why since it's most definitely NOT a hall) stores appliances, dry/canned food, shoes, jars, clothes to go to the thrift store, paper products, etc. My only beef: I wish it were bigger!
Kale? You actually paid money for kale? Oh my word. I have a bunch of kale seeds if you want them.
Jennifer Jo
I just planted a bunch of seed, but it's not ready yet and I wanted to eat kale NOW.