On a Saturday afternoon, a girl and her papa.
He has dimples and she wants ’em.

We may not always get exactly what we want.
But there can sure be a whole lotta fun in the trying!
This same time, years previous: warmth, my reality, enhanced, bedtime ghost stories, a religious education, and butterscotch pudding
how precious that you caught this on camera! (I almost said film – tee he). Dimples are so irresistible.
This may be my favorite of all your posts! Very special.
Jennifer Jo
Thanks! I'm kinda partial to it myself.
Mama Pea
Priceless pictures of daughter and dad!
She's not allowed to wear my hat.
From Becca Pecca
Jennifer Jo
Well then, Becca Pecca, I recommend that you store it in your room and not on the living room hutch. (But I'll put it in a safe place for you anyway. You're welcome.)
From Mother-Other
Second Sister
That is some valid effort! Cute photos;)