Go Obama!

(So I’m not very good at keeping mum. Ya wanna make something of it?)

I saw The Man yesterday, with my very own eyes, and you know what? He looks just like he does on TV. In fact, it was almost exactly like watching him on our fuzzy, static-y TV ‘cause with all the jostling and screaming it was kind of hard to get a good, focused look at him.

Here he is.

Oops, let’s try the zoom now.

See what I mean? He looks calm, collected, confident, and, believe it or not, energetic. How does he do it?!

The day’s events in a nutshell: Me and two friends took nine kids and some food to a field and sat there all afternoon in the freezing windy cold and then we didn’t get in because about five thousand people jumped in line in front of us (CURSES!) but then Obama came on to the back of the field (bless his heart) and we saw him for five minutes, after which Miss Becca Boo threw up, and then, after slinking (as if you can “slink” with nine children) through the woods on the other side of the building and seeing him exit the building and drive off, we went home. And thus ends the year’s history/social studies/political science lesson.

The extremes we mothers will go to in the spirit of home education! I think we should be sainted, or something.

Ps. Except that now he’s doing that special announcement thing tonight, so I guess we’ll be pulling out the TV (that we don’t have) and making some popcorn. At least we’ll be warm this time around.


  • Anonymous

    Have you voted? Have you voted? Hmm? I went at 6 this morning to Waterman Elementary and had an hour wait in line. Pleasant chatting with a young couple in front of me, saw lots of others I knew. Kirk went after I got home, also an hour wait. I got a Papa John’s coupon for a large 3-topping pizza for $9.99, today only, special for voting! I would have voted anyway, even without the coupon…


  • My Freakwentness

    Where’s the bullet-proof glass? Does he think he’s invincible? Maybe he’s naive. If he can’t protect his own body, how’s he going to keep me safe?

  • current typist

    What I think is so absolutely funny about that first picture of Obama is the field of cameras to which he is speaking! But a student told me today that she watched him on TV last night, and “he spoke the truth. He was telling the truth!”

    “So did you change your mind?” I asked her, since she had always been a McCain supporter.

    “Yes, I did,” she giggled.

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