Daisy’s milk has changed recently. There’s more cream, and it’s stronger-flavored due to all the fresh grass (or so they say). The last time I made cheese, I lightly skimmed the 8 gallons of milk and got about three-fourths of a gallon of cream. My husband said he’d make it into butter. Which was perfect, because I have no good way of making butter. What I want is a half-gallon electric butter maker (like this) so I can plug it in and walk away, but I can’t find one ANYWHERE. Apparently they don’t make them anymore?
So anyway. I was happy my husband said he’d make the butter because then he’d understand what’s involved, and better know how to look for (or make) what I need.
I let the cream sit out all day to bring it to room temp (which makes it easier to churn), and late afternoon, my husband poured the cream into the hand-crank butter churn we’ve had for years, removed the handle, and fired up his drill.

He drilled and drilled and drilled that cream. It whipped up nice and thick but absolutely refused to split. Had we over-filled the jar? Maybe.

Two over-heated drills and forty-five minutes later, he gave up.
Hours later, before we headed up to bed, I went back to it — the cream was still a solid mass of fluff. Was it too warm? I set the churn in a bowl of ice water and churned it by hand. Nothing. My husband said we should just toss it, but it tasted delicious — creamy and thick — and looked like a block of whipped cream and cream cheese. I couldn’t bear to let it go to waste.

As a last-ditch effort, I got out my blender. I dumped in a bit of the cream fluff, turned on the blender, and, seconds later: butter!
We still don’t know what we did wrong but one thing we do know: we absolutely HATE that hand-held butter churn. Also, now my husband knows exactly what I want and why I want it. All that’s left to do is find an electric, no-slosh, hands-free, half-gallon butter churn. As of today, we’re starting to drink Emma’s milk, so he’d better problem-solve quick! THE CREAM IS COMING.
We welcome (covet!) suggestions. But first:
Methods I’ve tried:
*Blender: it works, but it’s loud and messy and I have to be totally hands-on the whole time.
*Kitchen Aid: it also works, but butter is sloshy (even more so than whipped cream) and, again, hands-on.
*Food processor: doesn’t hold enough and my processor leaks.
Methods we’ve thought about but haven’t tried:
*A dry wall mixer in a 5-gallon bucket: it would work but I’d need a couple gallons of cream (and I’ll probably be dealing with half-gallon quantities).
*An electric ice cream maker with a non-frozen canister: I haven’t tried this, and while it might work, it’d definitely be too small.
*A large electric ice cream churn: might work (my husband says no because it wouldn’t turn fast enough); don’t have one.
This same time, years previous: the coronavirus diaries: week twelve, the quotidian (5.28.18), butter chicken, an evening together, loosing my footing, the quotidian (5.27.13), the quotidian (5.28.12), one dead mouse.
Austin Bresler
Owner of a small batch butter company here. There are many reasons why butter won’t churn out sometimes but mostly it’s temp and quality of cream.
I would check Homesteading Family. Carolyn has some kind of butter churn thingy…
Jennifer Jo
Yes, I was watching that video. What she has would be perfect if it was a bit smaller.
The link shows the manufacturer who makes a 1 gallon for $270; currently out of stock.
Don’t know why I’m so invested in this thread since I’ll never be doing this.
Collect the cream in empty paint cans and take them to Rocking R where a friendly clerk will put them in the paint can shaker machine.
Jennifer Jo
This is brilliant, actually.
I have a Vitamix that I use for 4-5 cups of cream at a time. It’s hands-on and loud but VERY fast (a minute, tops). Of course, it’s Vitamix, soooo … $$$. (I also use it to make peanut butter!)
Guess is depends how much you care to spend, but they are about as rare as hens teeth!
Jennifer Jo
Yes, I’m looking at that one. Also just found this.
Becky R.
I googled it, and I found all kinds of electric butter churns. One on Amazon stated that the minimum capacity was a half gallon. But they are so expensive! That one was over $300. My ebay account is messed up, but if you can, I would check on ebay as well. I used to churn butter for my grandmother, and it is definitely a chore to do it by hand, especially with a wooden churn! As expensive as butter is, maybe the expense would be worth it. I did read that thinner cream leads to quicker butter. Good luck! Mmmmm, buttah!
Jennifer Jo
We’ve been googling, too! I guess we’re just not as Googling efficient as we should be, ha. Gonna keep trying!
Keep checking Etsy. There was a very nice looking Gem electric churn listed on there, but it was sold
Jennifer Jo
Oooo, haven’t checked Etsy yet. Will do!
Jen F
How about a 2.5 or 3 gallon bucket w/ the drywall attachment? Maybe you could make a hole in the bucket lid & put the stem of the drywall mixer through to help w/ the splatters? I am in PA & our local Dunkin Donuts has a nice medium size bucket & bonus, they are free!
Jennifer Jo
That’s actually a good idea! (We also thought about an immersion blender, though I don’t think the one I have would be big enough….)
Jen F
I checked & the smallest bucket I’ve gotten from DD was 2 gallon. Looks like they are also on Lowes website (or perhaps in your local store)..the dimensions are ~9.5″ X 9.5″