Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Morning’s greetings, all the way from Massachusetts. (With some Magpie sourdough.)

In the bakery this week: lemon.

My stack.

The Battle For The Ball: it’s neverending.




“What have I told you about putting your body on the internet? Never! Never without proper lighting.”

Happy November First!
This same time, years previous: a hallowed eve, sweetness, lickety-split pizza crust, smoking, listening, watching, reading, apple farro salad, stuffed peppers, posing for candy, apples schmapples, why I’m spacey.
Catching up on all your posts in one big fell swoop is fantastic. I save them up! Although, I have to say that the Wizard of Earthsea brings back horrific memories for me. 9th grade required summer reading; I despised that book. It brings back such bad memories, it was a struggle.
And, thank you for your menopause stories. I love that you’re opening the conversation up on a much needed subject!
That mug in the first picture is great!!