the quotidian (4.6.20)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Color riot.

Re the noodles: Despite following the package instructions, eating them was like 
chewing a mouthful of damp horse’s mane.

Hot chocolates, before showering the tops with crushed candy canes.

Watching an episode of the Home Improvement Show over breakfast.

Perks of a large island: I can flaunt the flowers.

From dawn to dusk, here he sits. 

His handwriting has improved.

And now the clubhouse deck has a railing.

In which my mother suddenly developed a pressing need to understand 
the difference between zombies and vampires.
He decided to shave it all off.

Like so.
Phantom pony.
photo credit: an unknown child

This same time, years previous: missing Alice, a trick for cooking pasta, scatteredness, the quotidian (4.6.15), the quotidian (4.7.14), the quotidian (4.6.13), yellow cake, he wore a dress.


  • JAG

    Re: noodles. Interesting about needing to cook to get them soft enough. I generally soak in boiling water while I prep the other ingredients, checking occasionally to see if they are soft enough. I'm sure I originally got that from a packet somewhere, but now just wing it. I wonder if some of it is hard/soft water? We don't have super soft water, but it definitely isn't like my parents' old place that had super hard water. Regardless, that salad looks great. I might have to try a variation of that for dinner soon. I'm only missing about 2/3 of what you put in, sure to be successful with a few substitutions.

  • ejk

    did you try soaking and then briefly cooking the noodles? i've had better success with those noodles doing the soak. was this for a pad thai or something like gado gado?

    • Jennifer Jo

      Yes, I soaked them. The package didn't say anything about cooking them. Friends on Facebook have set me straight, though. I need to soak and THEN cook for a couple minutes.

      This whole mess feels familiar: I think I've done this before, but I use rice noodles so rarely that I forget what I learned from one time to the next. Putting them on the grocery list so I force myself to practice again and LEARN.

      (The leftover noodles I sauteed in hot oil and they softened nicely.)

    • Margo

      Ehhh, I had enough of the rice noodle flops and no one here needs to eat gluten free, so I have ditched them and just use angel hair pasta 🙂

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