Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
Steak and cheese, with fried eggs, onions, and peppers.
First the pie filling and now the juice.
The weather can’t make up its mind (hot one day, cold the next) and neither can my coconut oil.
Fancying up his board: he is so (sososososoSOOOOO) ready for snow.
She makes writing look way too easy (grr).
The place I both long to be and dread to go, usually in equal measure.
“Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”
Robert Frost
Robert Frost
This same time, years previous: coming home, the proper procedure for toweling off after a shower, outside eating, calf wrangling, the good things that happen, 2012 garden stats and notes, how to clean a room, fruit-on-the-bottom baked oatmeal.
Love the coconut oil, never seen it do that!
Love that Nora Ephron book! And I agree, she is a writing genius.
Love the night time house picture. I think I need to go out and take one of our house tonight and post it on Facebook to make our adult children homesick. Maybe they will come and visit us. Never allow your kids to move out of state and country!
I think your coconut oil is trying to become a lava lamp.