the quotidian (7.8.19)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

And now I wish I’d picked more.
They. Don’t. Stop.
Making everyone love me. 
No lunchbox, no problem. Use a shoebox!

For the overflow: a second drainer.
A cool, thrift-store find.
Henna tat.

Purse dump: the junk I carry.

A new hire.

A smashed muffler and the guilty culprit to go with it.

Lazy days.
Because the afternoon sun is fierce: a made-to-order shield.
(Thanks, Zoë!)

When it finally sets, the relief is sweet. 

This same time, years previous: fresh strawberry cake, three things about writing, reflections from Kansas City, the quotidian (7.7.14), let’s revolutionize youth group mission trips! please!, grilled flatbread, red raspberry lemon bars, rain.


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