Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
And now I wish I’d picked more.
They. Don’t. Stop.
Making everyone love me.
No lunchbox, no problem. Use a shoebox!
For the overflow: a second drainer.
A cool, thrift-store find.
Henna tat.
Purse dump: the junk I carry.
A new hire.
A smashed muffler and the guilty culprit to go with it.
Lazy days.
Because the afternoon sun is fierce: a made-to-order shield.
(Thanks, Zoë!)
(Thanks, Zoë!)
When it finally sets, the relief is sweet.
This same time, years previous: fresh strawberry cake, three things about writing, reflections from Kansas City, the quotidian (7.7.14), let’s revolutionize youth group mission trips! please!, grilled flatbread, red raspberry lemon bars, rain.
Purse contents along with pantry contents have always fascinated me. I think they reveal so much about us and show how we plan ahead and what we think of as necessary.
Jennifer Jo
Oh dear….!