Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Plate of happy.

Now I can (probably) make them myself.

Banana cake workshop.

Wiring up.


The second coat of primer.

Carpenter’s list.


I think someone would rather be working.

Keeping track of where it all goes.

Punching holes.


Art installation.

They can make a game out of anything — in this case, shredded bits of napkin.

Mapping out the last week.
This same time, years previous: fresh nectarine galette, family extended, a big deal, on love and leftovers, don’t even get me started, atop the ruins, the quotidian (8.27.12), coming up for air.
We are having crazy hot and humid weathere on the east coast but it will break before you get home. Cheering you on to the finish line!
Only one week left?? Did that go fast! I saw on the news last night that the East coast is having a heat wave. Well you will be all acclimated for that, if it has not ended. Hopefully it will.
Last week already, pwoefi. I think it is great what you guys do and did! You do make a difference.
Only one week left? I loved these post you guys just ROCK!