Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace


Kicking back and relaxing, for reals.

Sun protection plus.


Wrapped in plastic.


Now we know where we are.

Storytelling, the punk version.

Shootin’ the breeze.

The night before Beryl.
This same time, years previous: the quotidian (7.10.17), the family reunion of 2016, the puppy post, let’s talk, the quotidian (7.9.12), zucchini skillet with tomatoes and feta, rain, peanut butter cup ice cream.
One Comment
Interesting diary pictures, as usual. So have you adopted one of the street dogs? or is that the pet of a friend?
Has Beryl been and gone? We did not hear much about it here in the upper midwest. So where are you located on that map?