Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The twelve-year-old is on a cake-making kick.

A couple from church brought us supper: two lasagnas (with cream cheese!) AND two cheesecakes.

And one of the women at our church manages a KFC, lucky us.



Bonus of having an iron-wrapped front porch: after-supper chin-up competitions.

Entertainment for hours, thanks to a local friend.

Getting braver: Peace Like a River.

Workday start.

Meet Lobo, the MDS’s (informally) adopted street dog.

For the tool trailer: shelving.

Step by step…

Electrical pedestal: check.

Energy boost: coffee … and the first volunteers!

Pretty darn comfy.

One month done.
This same time, years previous: the family reunion of 2017, the quotidian (6.6.16), when studies end, life in the raw, playing hard, three reds fruit crumble.
One Comment
Jennifer, it is SO good to continue hearing about your adventures. Through the ups and downs what an amazing experience for all of you. Tiring? check Frustrating? check Exhausting? check. But, hopefully coupled with beauty, laughter, and life-long memories. I love how you've weaved cross-cultural experiences into your family life. Happy for you!