Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Chocolate pavlova: way too sweet.

Quinoa with pomegranate seeds, parsley, and balsamic vinegar: meh.

After making the annual quadruple batch of Italian Wedding Soup, the bestest ever wintertime soup.

Whenever she has a lazy morning, she likes to make fancy French toast for her breakfast.

This girl has a thing for body art and color.


Homemade crostini in preparation for the Christmas Eve supper.
(Verdict: fresh is best.)

He led Away In A Manger at our church’s Christmas Eve service
and then again, at home, for our mealtime prayer.

After weeks of work, he surprised his papa with this waterwheel made from popsicle sticks and glue.

And then he surprised me with a most splendid Merry Christmas Ship.

Christmas breakfast.

It’s been a battle.
Happy New Year!
This same time, years previous: 2017, Christmas, quite frankly, constant motion, cranberry crumble bars, loose ends.
Chocolate pavlova: Make a normal pavlova shell, don't add cocoa, but def' worth adding the vinegar/cornstarch to make it chewy. Then melt 250gm of dark chocolate 70% or higher, before mixing with an equal amount of creme fraiche or sour cream. Leave to cool and thicken a little. Spread in the recessed middle of the pavlova, and put in fridge to chill and set fully. Finish by piping whipped cream – or just spoon in arty dollops around the edge. Rich yes, sweet no. Ooo and if making for grown ups you can add a little orange liquer in the chocolate bit.
Jennifer Jo
I might have to rethink my verdict—your directions are mighty tempting….
Second Sister
Happy New Year, old friend (not that you're old.. you know what I mean).