On a warm spring evening, first the ice cream cones and then the lingering.

Have a good weekend, my friends!
This same time, years previous: brown sugar rhubarb muffins, the quotidian (6.1.15), the quotidian (6.2.14), the quotidian (6.3.13), small pasta with spinach and bacon, three reds fruit crumble, radishes with bread and butter.
Melodie Davis
The lingering is the best part. Thanks for the reminder.
I was hoping to see YOUR face, too!
Love all these and the cheerful faces, but particularly the shirt colors in the last photo.
Jennifer Jo
My face IS there! Or the silhouette of it, anyway….
farm buddy
Much better than the TV show!!!
Great pics!
Second Sister
I especially love your silhouette! Welcome summer.