Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Guatemalan flautas de pollo (chicken taquitos, more or less).

Best eaten slightly warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

I do believe it’s becoming a ritual: after a break, a haircut.

So I guess all the crying was justified?



Water love.

To replenish the flock.

The tomatoes are in!

The beans, too.

Boys in the tent, girls in the clubhouse.


On wanting it all: an object lesson.
This same time, years previous: back to normal, coffee crumb cake, learning to play, a Monday list, the quotidian (4.30.12), pot of baked beans, shredded wheat bread, rhubarb jam.
One Comment
I love, LOVE where the dog and the cat have stationed themselves with regard to the tent and the clubhouse.