Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Jelly drip.

The citrus trinity.

Gradually becoming a kitchen staple.

For after his shift: a late lunch.

Falafel feast.

From scratch: his very own chocolate peanut butter.

Tea (er, coffee) party for one.

Breakfast time, pun intended.

Sometimes I hide their books.

Spring is in the air, whoo-eeee!

Relationships, and the looks that go with them.

There’s a horse on my porch.
This same time, years previous: chocolate pudding, how we do things, the quotidian (2.13.12), the outrageous incident of the Sunday boots, life, interrupted (I wish), potato gnocchi, a meaty lesson, and mocha pudding cake.
current typist
The falafel WAS delicious….
Do you have a good falafel recipe? Please share 🙂
Cultural difference question: Do you normally eat closed (bread on bottom and top) sandwiches when at home? As shown in the "late lunch" photo.
In Poland we only have those when we pack them to eat for lunch at school/work or for a trip. At home we only use one piece of bread. Which I think I've seen referred to as an open face(d) sandwich in English. And am now wondering if that's because a simple 'sandwich' normally consists of two pieces of bread.
Jennifer Jo
In my corner of the world:
two pieces of bread = sandwich
one piece of bread = open-faced sandwich
Or we'll say "peanut butter and jelly bread" which means an open-faced sandwich.
I like ANY kind of sandwich though—regardless of the number of slices of bread!
Love your very nice post!!! Beautiful and very YUMMY pictures:) especially the Falafel. It's my favorite!!! Thanks for sharing the fun.
Suburban Correspondent
My family has a story of my great-grandparents living in a 3-room flat (with numerous children) on the Lower East Side, and the horse sticking his head in the kitchen window from the tiny yard outside and begging for snacks like a dog.