Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

With anchovies and raw eggs: my first real Caesar salad.


Don’t cry over spilled milk. Drink it.

Veggie tats.

The truck is fixed.


At the fairgrounds: warming up for a show.

Progress: just because no one sees it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
This same time, years previous: the new bakery, grape parfaits, puppy love, walking the line, chocolate yogurt cake, oatmeal, jacked up, why I don’t teach my kids science, and losing my marbles.
I've enjoyed these posts often. And, hoping it's okay, I'm posting this one to the Spirituality and Work Facebook group. "Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer." — Simone Weil.
Jennifer Jo
Of course it's okay to share—thanks! And the quote is quite thought-provoking….
Really like reading your quotidian posts. You have such a lovely (lively) family. 🙂
While the beet tattoo is great, when I get my tattoo it's going to say, "Progress: just because no one sees it doesn't mean it's not happening."
Love the creative captions you come up with…and your photography is wonderful! Hugs, Camille