It is raining outside right now. The grass is turning brilliantly emerald green, the trees are starting to blossom, and there are some daffodils on the table that the kids have picked. I look out the back door and I see one of our sheep chasing the chickens around in the field. I see birds again. In the sky there is heavy gray fog that makes me think of a massive comforter being thrown down on the world.
I feel warm and cozy inside my house, sitting on the couch under a blanket while spilling my guts for a story like this one. I look behind myself, out the window, and see a tree getting covered in moss. I feel a massive bubble of joy in my body, a turbulence, a tornado, a twisting, laughing voice saying it is spring. I want to leap and shout for joy. SPRING IS HERE!!
Summer awaits me. A whole life is calling my name. I feel the urge to move, escape, run free of this house. See the world. See the world. I want to see the world. I want to roam until the dust, water, and air of the four corners of the world are in my skin, my eyes, and my hair.
This same time, years previous: oatmeal raisin cookies, answers, the quotidian (4.9.12), asparagus with lemon and butter, and the kind of day.
Loved this! You have a really great way of using words to express yourself!
oh WOW, I like this! esp. the simile with the fog as a "massive comforter." So much cleaner and visual than most high school writing I've read (and as a former writing teacher, I've read A LOT).
Melodie Davis
I think he wants to see the world. 🙂 Lovely.
Very nice, Elder Son. You clearly, and beautifully, expressed the exuberance Spring awakens.
Didn't he do a good job! I think that last paragraph is a poem.
Greta Bucher
Laura J.
He's a writer! I enjoyed seeing life through your young man's eyes. Hugs to you! Camille