Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Eggs: it’s the kids’ job to collect, wash, and box them.

We’ve been having night after night of frost warnings, so covering up the strawberries, lettuce, and tomatoes (what’s left of them) has become an evening ritual. The other night my husband and I didn’t remember until 11 pm—while he pitchforked straw over the berries, I sang them a lullaby.

cold nights make for cozy mornings: the boy and the cat

Spring break means lots of time with friends: if they had their druthers, these two girls would be together all the time.

a favorite pastime: measuring each other, and then…

figuring out where they are on the charts (both my boys are off them, height-wise)

Date night out: we ushered for Dido, Queen of Carthage
(that’s right—now my husband is an usher, too!)

Don’t you take stuffed animals along on your date night? (The kids were playing in the van earlier that day. If anyone would’ve looked in the van windows, I’m sure they wouldn’t thought we were completely batty.)

Easter cupcakes
(fyi, my mother is unimpressed with my new yellow cake recipe and now I’m second guessing myself. If I decide to recant, you’ll be the first to know.)
(fyi, my mother is unimpressed with my new yellow cake recipe and now I’m second guessing myself. If I decide to recant, you’ll be the first to know.)

boiled eggs, awaiting color

Easter baskets at the ready

getting their directions

The hunt begins!

Aw, shucks, guys. I couldn’t help myself. I only ate one…

counting her prizes (and then quietly helping herself to the other kids’ baskets, much to their consternation and our amusement)

What’s funny about this picture? Can you see it?
This same time, years previous: this slow, wet day, in which I post an excessive amount of pictures, asparagus with lemon and butter, cream of tomato soup
Chicken butt!
the chicken under the arm!
so, your mom ate some of the cake and didn't like it?? I pinned that thing and passed it on to a friend (Carrie, in Canada – she's on my sidebar). I'm rooting for it! Because I'm not very good with traditional cakes and I thought maybe this would be a winner in taste and ease.
V and A
Is he holding a chicken in his arm?