Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A delivery for a neighbor.
(This was not a drop-and-run. We were being nice.)
(This was not a drop-and-run. We were being nice.)

A Beet Story
My younger daughter committed a no-no, picking garden produce without permission.
Her consequence: she had to eat what she picked (kind of like you have to eat what you kill).
I showed her how to prep and roast the beets.
She was to eat one before every lunch and supper until they were gone, which she did.
(Except for a few that the rest of us filched.)
The end.
The end.

The cereal monster.

Now Dobby’s in on it, too.

A Bûche de Noël: easier to make than pronounce.
(She’s 13!!!)

Sour Patch Kids: exquisitely wrapped.

My favorite: sold.
This same time, years previous: the time I sat on a dead mouse, roasted carrot and beet salad with avocado, splash, soft and chewy breadsticks, vanilla buttercream frosting, roasted cherry vanilla ice cream with dark chocolate, peas with prosciutto, tangential thoughts, and zucchini relish.
I just love your blog. It sure is a great way to start off the work day, especially since I'd rather be at home taking care of my family, instead of at the office. You crack me up and your family togetherness just makes me smile.
I'm guessing the new teenager wishes she was born at Christmas! Ha! The cake and the gift wrap! I was, and it's really no fun!
Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig
Oh my gosh…every time those kittens just kill me with their nursing! That is so cute! (Not sure mama feels the same? lol)