Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

White stuff fell, temperatures plummeted, and life-as-we-planned-it screeched to a halt.

The best snow in ages: it stays!

Pogo dog.

NOT a good landing.

Even when happy, they fight.
(Okay, so I’m exaggerating a little. But only a little.)

My niece who won’t talk to me but she looked at me so I think we’re making progress.

What happens when we finally get out after being snowed in without fresh library books.

I see you but I don’t hear you. Is that a problem?

Enlightening the leggy sticks of plastic.

Learning to iron, thanks to Grandmommy.

Eight of the ten ruffians at Friday’s supper table.
Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig
The picture of your niece is beautiful…love the colors so much. And I love your stack of library books!! That's good stuff!
Tricia @ The Domestic Fringe
Glad you all had fun in the snow. I always enjoy these Monday pictures. Like your new blog design by the way.
Suburban Correspondent
I thought you often get snow! At least, it seems like it from where I sit. And I DON'T WANT TO TALK about the library fine I just paid, due to snow and ice and Christmas and New Year's and what all. ACK.
Jennifer Jo
Since we've been back, I've paid less than a dollar—ONE DOLLAR—on fines. Keeping my fingers crossed…
Great shots. Great commentary. You made me smile. Happy week to you all! 🙂
Kathy ~ Artful Accents
Wow, love the shot of your niece!
"Leggy sticks of plastic"! hahahahaha