Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Waking up slow.

Breakfast chess.

A terrifying education: Harry Potter in Spanish.

Jumping over the truck with a broom.
How do you get ready for work in the morning?

Voldemort and Harry.

A snowball tree.

Gingerbread men and butter cookies: a Christmas necessity.

Pre-breakfast sledding.

Fly on a leash.

“I wanted the room to look cracked.”

Serenading weekend guests.

Helping (ha!) their cousin master (ha!) the art of the bow tie.

Coming to our house is always a black-tie affair.

They teach each other!

A-waiting the lucky children: the laundry train.
Tricia @ The Domestic Fringe
The cracked look is pretty good. She may be on to a new trend in home decor. Pin it. Next thing you know, it will be everywhere!
Love the snowball tree and your laundry train. So, here's my question. Do you fill those baskets and make your kids fold and put away their laundry? I always fold all of ours and leave the piles on the table for everyone to pick up, but I need a new method. It's not working. No one sees the piles or the table apparently.
Jennifer Jo
That's wet laundry ready to go outside on the line. Usually I assign the big kids to bring it in at the end of the day, and then we have a much-loved (ha!) Laundry Folding Party with which ever children are not occupied with other clean-up chores. When it's all folded, they come and take their stack (as well as others, if requested) and deliver them to the appropriate rooms.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the snowball tree!
I love it when the kids teach each other. It is the best part of everything.
The other day my eldest (and many times my most challenging) said to my youngest, "How can I help you?" and I cried salty tears, I tell you. Salty tears of joy.
The snowball tree made me laugh out loud.
Let the fly go in church, with its long tail.
Hi Jennifer,
Just popping in to say I LOVE your blog, and read it religiously. Your writing is excellent, hilarious, tear-inducing (in a good way), and your photos are just…full of life. Cliche? Maybe.
Anyway, I just wanted to try not to be so much of a lurker.
Enjoy the snow!
Jennifer Jo
Howdy-do, De-lurker—it's great to meet you!
(And thanks for the encouragement!)