Turkey and pie, family and friends, Japanese and American, music and candles and snow flurries, origami and finger strings, reading and visiting, walks and hunting, tea and coffee, and the baby. The baby sleeping, the baby eating, the baby smiling, the baby talking, the baby bathing, the baby changing, and baby doting. In a popularity contest between the turkey with its slew of mighty side dishes and the baby, the baby would win, hands down.

One note about Thanksgiving day and its food. I’ve come to the conclusion that my mother has devised best T-day eating schedule. It goes like this:
Casual cereal-and-toast breakfast.
Noon Thanksgiving feast. (Hold the desserts.)
Mid/late-afternoon massive bowl of fruit.
Suppertime dessert feast.
Bedtime snack of cheese and crackers if anyone’s still hungry.
I think it’s brilliant and plan to copy it for the rest of my life. (But, on the off-chance there’s something better out there, what’s your tradition T-day eating schedule?)
Oh schedule is maybe eat breakfast, eat the big meal at noon and then have friends over for leftovers. This year, I decided that we NEVER enjoy all the wonderful desserts that I make so we started by eating a piece of pie Wednesday evening and then having it with "leftovers with friends" Thanksgiving evening. I ate a piece of pecan pie for breakfast with coffee too. :).
L in Elkton
I love that food progression! My family splits up the desserts and main meal, too. (that baby is sooooo cute) I tend to serve oatmeal on Thanksgiving morning – this year it was pumpkin mush from Marion Cunningham and my family did not like it – I DID.
Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig
Your children are naturals with babies…that is so sweet to see.
dr perfection
rebecca looks a little tryptophaned
That's my favorite, too!