Thing One
It’s the rainy season and my husband, a situational asthmatic, has taken to using his rescue inhaler multiple times each day. He says his chest hurts, and he’s forever collapsing on the bed and moaning. He walks around like an old man. And at night he dreads going to sleep because laying down makes him feel like he’s drowning.

The whole things was starting to feel out of hand, so we made tentative plans to find someone with a stethoscope within the next few days, but then last night he spent four hours hacking up his lungs. Not cool.
This morning over breakfast, I said, “Um, maybe you should see a doctor today?”
“Yeah, probably.”
“I know!” I shouted, spying a bright opportunity. “Let’s go to the local clinic! All you need is someone to listen to your lungs—it doesn’t have to be anyone fancy. It’ll be a cultural studies outing! You’ll be the perfect specimen. It’ll be fun!”
I wasn’t joking when I said I was desperate for something to do.
In the end, we didn’t stop at the little clinic in Chamelco. We had errands to run in Cobán anyway, so it made sense to go to the same place where they treated our daughter’s dog bite.
Turns out, my husband’s lungs are full of mucus (which is just a fancy word for SNOT). The doctor gave him scripts for a couple different meds, including an antibiotic and a number to call if his calves start to hurt (apparently a rare but dangerous side effect of one of the drugs). Maybe their motto should be: We’ll heal you if we don’t kill you.
(Kidding. The clinic is really very nice.)
Clarifying Note: the series of Exhausted Husband pictures are culled from the archives and not just from this last week.
Thing Two
It’s fair week.

Think I should let the kids ride the Ferris wheel?
(It blew over last year.)
(And yes, there are seats. Fair goers aren’t expected to dangle by their hands, though that would give the ride a unique element of adventure…)
Thing Three
My daughter loves bugs and animals, so when our neighbor kid showed her his collection of insects, she was thrilled. When her teacher tasked the class with a bug identification project, she was excited. And when the neighbor boy said she could borrow his collection, she was over the moon.

She spent hours making a display board, identifying the insects, carefully penciling in their names.

Her passionate absorption is beautiful to watch.

It’s fun to ponder where this interest might lead…
I stumbled on your blog looking for a sour cherry crostada recipe (thanks!) and I LOVE your writing style. I will be bookmarking your site and will be back soon. Thanks again.
Jennifer Jo
Thank you, and welcome to this little corner of the web!
Older daughter was the only one of the family who ate a cicada several years ago when her uncle fried up a pan of them. It's on video.
Hi! This is Lydia (I belong to the other Jennifer 🙂 When I read the part about your daughter and the bug project I was amazed. While we were living in Colombia I worked on an insect identification project at our school. My friend and I worked on it for about 2 years then took it to a national science fair. This is just another one of many strange things our families share! I really enjoy reading your blog. Its crazy just how many things happen to you guys that happened to us! Maybe our families can get together sometime when you guys come back. Say hi to the southern part of the world for me 😀
the domestic fringe
I feel bad for your husband. I know just how he feels. I've spent many, many nights sitting up on the couch, because I couldn't lay down. I'll be praying for him to feel better real soon.
Those are some extra nice bugs. I'd like to see that get back through customs!