Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Charlotte had her first visit to the vet.
She weighs nine and a half pounds.
The cat weighs eleven.

Two thinking hats?
He better get all the answers right.

Making Music.
(Or maybe I should title it “Not Fighting.”)

Looking at pictures of Bezaleel and Guatemala.
My son’s mentor helped to build the school where we’ll be working.

Dreaming of something besides grammar.

Rosetta Stone: Spanish, of course.

All dressed up for a birthday tea party.
(The florescent green socks peeking out of her cowgirl boots crack me up.)

My daughter in yet another wig.
(What is it with my family and wigs?)
My daughter in yet another wig.
(What is it with my family and wigs?)

Joint Party: these boys all turned thirteen within a week of each other.

Birthday activity: the hosting mom’s absolutely brilliant idea.
See spider man up there on the left? That’s my husband.
(He helped to build the wall, back in the day when he was working for the university.)

I made the party desserts: a chocolate peanut butter cake, two apple pies,
and a double batch of blondies.
This same time, years previous: how to bake pies on the stove top