Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Heaven: permission to tool around the back forty on Grandpa Jack’s tractor.

Memories: Just before we left, Grandma sat him down,
asked lots of questions about the weekend, and wrote down what he said.

Weird: she can’t help herself.

Playing a wordless game of rocks: big hair and not-so-big hair.
(Tina, how we love thee.)

Wounded: she flayed (what a horrid word!) the back of her ankle on a step.

The line-up: after returning from a tractor ride to the woods (courtesy of Uncle Johnny)
and discovering a beaver dam.

Surprise! The grandparents flew in their children’s much-adored babysitter.

Ice cream on Jack’s Mountain.

Going home: after seven hours in a car, I feel like a part of me has died.

Warning: this is what happens when you give your daughter a make-up kit for her birthday.

Grill ready: made into this salad.
Verdict: yummy, but a little bland.

Breakfast oatcakes.

A morning ritual: packing into jars the tomatoes that roasted in the oven overnight.

Picking over the candy—I mean, the cherry tomatoes.

Cleaning out the freezer: puff pastry with caramelized onions, Swiss and Parmesan cheeses,
and (not shown) a dab of grape jelly.
This same time, years previous: basic fruit crisp, this is what crazy looks like, how to get your refrigerator clean in two hours, two morals
the domestic fringe
Your daughter's makeup job cracks me up. Perhaps she'll be in theatrics. That puff pastry looks amazing. Makes me hungry just seeing it.
that puff pastry thing looks fabulous – can you tell me how to do that? I have puff pastry hanging out in my freezer and no plans.
Jennifer Jo
I put one pkg of pastry on a baking sheet, dotted it with caramelized onions from the freezer, sprinkled it fairly heavily with Swiss and Parm, and baked it at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes.
I was making grape jelly at the time and thought to dab a bit on the top. A wicked good idea. The kids weren't fans of the pastry at first, but with the jelly, they were falling over themselves to get their share.