the quotidian (6.15.20)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Our strawberry patch is pathetic this year.

On repeat.

Carrot top and garlic scape pesto. Tip: blanch the carrots tops before blending.

Puerto Rican flan.

Dalgona coffee: have you tried it?

Weekend feasting.

Chasing Ellie with his drone.

Master mess maker.

Girl grooms.

Day’s end: hot, dirty, tired, hungry.

Yum, chicken!

In great condition and for only 2K: he’s stunned, my husband’s jealous.

This same time, years previous: the quotidian (6.10.19), barbecue sauce, up, up, up to Utuado, a new pie basket, high entertainment, a photo book, mud cake, spinach dip, street food, Greek cucumber and tomato salad, sourdough waffles.


  • Margo

    We made the dalgona coffee! It was so cool, but all that beating – meh, we haven't repeated it.

    What is that amazing strawberry/cake/cream combo you have there? We are splurging on local berries and I'm making alllll the desserts.

  • jim bishop

    Hey, who got the Miata? What year? For how much?? I'm on my third one; they've all been dependable and treat me to great rides. Hope you have the same experience. – jim b.

  • Julie

    Does it leak in the rain?
    My husband's does. Needed a rain cover, but the initial discovery was a bit of a downer, to say the least.

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