the quotidian (11.1.21)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Morning’s greetings, all the way from Massachusetts. (With some Magpie sourdough.)

In the bakery this week: lemon.

My stack.

The Battle For The Ball: it’s neverending.




“What have I told you about putting your body on the internet? Never! Never without proper lighting.”

Happy November First!

This same time, years previous: a hallowed eve, sweetness, lickety-split pizza crust, smoking, listening, watching, reading, apple farro salad, stuffed peppers, posing for candy, apples schmapples, why I’m spacey.


  • Jennifer

    Catching up on all your posts in one big fell swoop is fantastic. I save them up! Although, I have to say that the Wizard of Earthsea brings back horrific memories for me. 9th grade required summer reading; I despised that book. It brings back such bad memories, it was a struggle.
    And, thank you for your menopause stories. I love that you’re opening the conversation up on a much needed subject!

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