the quotidian (12.10.18)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
Mornings when I write, they fend for themselves just fine.

For creme pat, followed the recipe exactly and still, way too thick: what gives?
With whipping cream, salvaged.
Choirboy selfie.
Baby thrills.
Deer eyeballs: for science class dissection .

This same time, years previous: when the dress-up ballgown finally fits, welcoming the stranger, yeasted streusel cake with lemon glaze, Italian wedding soup, in my kitchen (sort of): 4:15 p.m., stuffing, pimento cheese spread, winter quinoa salad, peanut butter cookies.


  • Judy

    Pastry cream thickness changes wildly for me depending on which liquid I use. With all cream, extra thick. With all milk, thin, and everything in between. I think because cream has much less water than milk. So the flour makes a thicker paste with less water.

  • Birdie

    Jennifer- I keep coming back because in all the insanity I see sanity, love, thoughtfulness, and a sense of the good. Thankyou for your lovely writing and a glimpse into a hectic and loving family and extended family life! Blessings to you.

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