I’ve long been jealous of the people with fancy cell phones, not because I wanted a cell phone, but because I coveted the ability to use instagram and the oh-so-exotic histogram app.
And then yesterday, all this new processing stuff appeared out of the blue in Picasa. Lookie here!

Suddenly, my existence, at least in picture form, feels more weighty. Like it has endured the ravages of time.
Or just a few extra computer finger-taps. Whatever.

(I still can’t do instagram, true, but that’s okay. I’m already having more fun than I can handle.)
In honor of my new photo shop skeelz, I present you with an adapted version of my quotidian series. Eat your heart out, baby.

Just chillin’.

This same time, years previous: bedtime ghost stories, a religious education, butterscotch pudding
the domestic fringe
Love your photos! I don't have a fancy phone either. I can snap a picture with mine, but they charge for each one, so I don't.
I love love love the effects AND the captions right under the pictures!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!